I have compiled my first weeks progress and everything is looking good. I dropped 1.6 pounds for the week which is right on target. The first few days I was not exactly sure where my BMR was so I stuck around 1600-2000 calories until I had accurate information then bumped my calories up to 2350 per day. My ratios also changed mid week, I was not eating near enough fat so you can see it jumps up as well with a slight carb reduction. I also revised my diet to reduce the frozen food lean cuisine type dinners. I'm now eating more fresh food and vegetables, nuts etc.
My basic workout week consists of cardio 14 times per week, twice a day, 30 minutes to an hour each workout. Along with MMA fight training up to 3 days per week. Then Core training 3 days a week.
So over all, I'm working out 21 times per week. It seems like a lot but now that I'm in the rhythm 30 days into the workout schedule, it is becoming second nature.
I have converted my excel spreadsheets to PDF format so everyone can view my weekly progress. Here is my first week weight log along with my food log and menu. My daily weight log is fairly straight forward. The food log uses abbreviations that reference the food menu at the bottom of the PDF. For example: if you see LCPZ on the food log you can then refrence that to the food menu to a Lean Cuisine Pizza and the table will contain it's individual nutritional values.
Click here for my weekly weight log.
Click here for my weekly food log.